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Funeral Planning


A Message from Our Parish Family


We, at Holy Ghost and St. Bridget’s, understand that if you have just experienced the death of a loved one you may be feeling confused, sad, stunned, and even overwhelmed by your loss. We are here to offer both comfort and great hope for the future.

Catholics believe that at death "Life is changed, not ended."  Death is a passage to a new and fuller life, and ultimately to resurrection and eternal union with God.


"If the spirit of God, who raised Jesus from death, lives in you, then he who raised Christ from death will also give life to your mortal bodies by the presence of his spirit in you."
Romans 8:11


Although death brings a deep sense of sadness and loss, faith provides solace and strength. It is a time when we encounter the things of God and our belief in Him in new ways. It is a time for us to support and console one another - especially in our belief in the gift of eternal life. So, when as Christians we encounter death, we are drawn to prayer - to pray for those who have died and to pray for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one.


The Church emphasizes life in the funeral liturgy. The resurrection is the theme and the readings, hymns, and prayers reflect the overall tone of expectant joy.


Please remember that we are here to help you and to offer both comfort and hope for the future.


Please review the below Eulogy FAQ's, Funeral Readings, and Funeral Liturgy forms.

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Saint Bridget


455 Plymouth St., Abington MA



Holy Ghost 


518 Washington St., Whitman MA


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